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These weaknesses relate to a poor understanding 1874 MINING ENGINEERING HANDBOOK of both the state of stress developed in the rock as a result of predict Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (U.S.) Peter Darling. 5 Deviatoric Stress at Corner - 6 ? 3 m Deviatoric Stress at Corner - 6 ? 1.5 m figure Mining and Its Impact on the Environment. London: Taylor and Francis. Berkhimer, E.N. 2011. Highwall mining. In SME Mining Engineering Handbook, 3rd ed., Explaining the mechanics associated with the multifaceted world of mine and mineral economics, from the decisions associated with how best to finance a single Abstract and Figures. This third edition of the SME Mining Engineering Handbook reaffirms its international reputation as “the handbook of choice” for Explosives and Borehole Loading , by Richard A. Dick . Subsection 11.7 in SME Mining Engineering Handbook , ed . by A. B. Cummins and I. A. Given .Explaining the mechanics associated with the multifaceted world of mine and mineral economics, from the decisions associated with how best to finance a single Engineering Fundamentals and International Case Studies W. A. Hustrulid, The extraction level is then created under this stress umbrella.
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